by Jan Johnson | Mar 30, 2019 | Farmer Insights
For the first year in many, I had a garden last summer. The details aren’t pretty. Suffice it to say, I would not last long as a farmer. My planting was poor, my irrigation sporadic, and while my weed control was pretty good, it was not enough to overcome my...
by Jan Johnson | Jan 29, 2019 | Farmer Insights, Product Liberation
Or, Why birds on a wire remind me of the four types of farmers in a coffee shop It’s been getting cold here in Minnesota, and I like to observe wildlife and think of what lessons we might draw from their behavior. I’ve noticed that some electric wires have 10 to 50...
by Jan Johnson | Oct 23, 2018 | Consumer Research
I find the national obsession with political polls kind of funny. Everyone gets a slightly different result, and pundits like to talk about variables, such as likely voters, registered voters, swing voters, yada yada yada. But one of the factors that I don’t...
by Jan Johnson | Sep 27, 2018 | Farmer Insights
I’ve been out conducting some focus groups with farmers recently, and what they said drove home a point I’ve actually known for years; I just didn’t realize how much this mindset rules their entire existence. First off, farmers are some of the most...
by Jan Johnson | Aug 30, 2018 | Farmer Insights
I’ve been binge watching Blue Bloods from the beginning of its eight seasons. I am just starting season three. It strikes me that the show might be an analogy for all family businesses, but of course, family farm businesses are closest to my heart and the ones I...