by dashfactor | Nov 23, 2022 | Farmer Insights
One of the ways that a farmer’s job is different from those jobs that most of us have is that there are distinct tasks to be completed and timeframes in which to complete those tasks.Spring is for planting or calving.Summer is for spraying or haying.Fall is...
by Jan Johnson | Aug 22, 2022 | Blog
The church pastor recently challenged us to say a prayer of thanksgiving for five things a day. He suggested that they should be different things each day, to broaden our view of all the goodness in our lives. So, as I sat down to enjoy some cheese and crackers, I...
by Jan Johnson | Jun 28, 2022 | Farmer Insights
Of the millions of good things that I’ve discovered about East Texas since moving here, the food here is really good. And when you’re exploring a new life, food is among the most important elements. I read an article once that said life is really about...
by Jan Johnson | Jul 22, 2021 | Farmer Insights
California farmers are facing an untenable choice: which crop do they let go so that they have enough water for the other crops to survive? In “No Water = No Crops,” a series of videos by Western Growers, three California farmers show the impact the...
by Jan Johnson | Apr 20, 2021 | Farmer Insights
Spring is for farmers! One thing I’ve noticed about farmers over the years is that there’s not too much judgement about things. They take life as it comes, knowing that the life, lifestyle, and finances of a farmer aren’t easy but that it’s a choice they’ve made. They...