As Good Is Not Good Enough

As Good Is Not Good Enough

What do I mean by “as good is not good enough”? In the book, Killing Sacred Cows, there’s a line that reads:  We only exchange when others have something that we value more than what we currently have. We never trade like value for like value,...
What Do Customers Really Want?

What Do Customers Really Want?

What do customers really want? Last fall, I attended the Pig Welfare Symposium hosted by Pork Checkoff and conducted a consumer focus group session with a panel of diverse shoppers who purchase pork. The recording of the entire session is now available, and if...
Don’t Treat Market Research Like a Plumber

Don’t Treat Market Research Like a Plumber

Is your faucet leaky? Whenever a company undertakes a market research project, there is always the chance that they will not like what they hear. This is a tough situation, almost like calling a plumber. We generally call a plumber when we have a leak or a blockage...