Putting Our Noses through the Fence

Putting Our Noses through the Fence

Remember all those brainstorming sessions where the leader told you to “think outside the box”? Leaving the conference room, you were often directed to “color inside the lines.” Oh! And remember to “stay in your lane.” The problem...
Christmas in Texas

Christmas in Texas

So, I’ve been showing some relatives around beautiful East Texas over the holidays, and I have to say: Texans go all out for Christmas! If you’re a regular reader, you’ve seen me share pictures and stories of the Athens Christmas Parade, the very cool tree in the...
Why Farmers Take So Long

Why Farmers Take So Long

Why do farmers take so long… to buy into something new?There is an old saying: ”Are you willing to bet the farm on that?”Today, the answer is “no.” And a longer answer is, “If I wait, I might lose a bit, but I will not lose everything.”Farmers’ skepticism...
Relationships Matter Now More Than Ever

Relationships Matter Now More Than Ever

Fall has been wonderful here in East Texas. Granted, it takes two months for the leaves to fall here instead of two weeks, as it does in Minnesota, but today is a lovely 63 degrees. Snow is falling in Minneapolis, where the high is not expected to get above...
Be Ready

Be Ready

Be ready. I perform a lot of internet searches for various products that I am helping clients with, so I get trailed by a lot of advertising. And these ads follow me virtually everywhere on the internet, so much so that they often seem ridiculous (I won’t name...