Farmers Put the Pedal to the Metal

After some horrendous spring seasons, this year hopefully promises to be a turnaround for American farmers.

Farmers Put the Pedal to the Metal with Spring Planting

Crop planting progress shows that corn and soybean planting rates are far above the five-year average, and farmers are putting in their crops at record speeds.

At the same time, John Deere reports record sales, just as we predicted in the 2021 Farmer Speaks report. Machinery is at the top of farmers’ lists after the delayed purchases of the past seven years.

So hopefully, after the convergence of negative weather, poor prices, and record-South American production, this year signals the harvest that farmers work for for years.

Hope Springs Eternal for the Farmer

The convergence of good weather, good work and good prices: this is the kind of year that the average farmer gets two, three, four times in their lifetime.

As my brother says: You can’t count on it until the grain is in the elevator and the check is in your hand.

Optimism is in the air, however. Farmers are putting in the work faster than ever before.

How can you keep up with them, and even better, speed their progress and improve their results?

Happy Memorial Day to all.

Need more farmer insights? Keep reading…

Spring Is When Farmers Feel Most Alive!

There’s No Practice in Farming

What Makes Farmers Love Their Suppliers?

Contact your J.L. Farmakis, Inc. representative for more information. This is a longitudinal study of 120 farmers over the past six years. There are lots of good insights in it, if I do so say myself!