The church pastor recently challenged us to say a prayer of thanksgiving for five things a day. He suggested that they should be different things each day, to broaden our view of all the goodness in our lives.

So, as I sat down to enjoy some cheese and crackers, I gave thanks for the cows that gave the milk to make the cheese. And then I thanked the cheesemakers who made the cheese. Then I thought about the dairy farmers who milked the cows and fed the cows and bred the cows and took excellent care of the cows. They deserve a lot of thanks, too.

And what about the milk truck driver who transported the milk from the farm to the cheese plant, the truck driver who delivered the cheese to the store, and the store stocker who took the cheese from the box and put the cheese on the shelf? Yes, their work was also meaningful, and I thanked them, as well.

Of course, that led me to reflect on the truck driver who brought feed to the dairy farm, the plant that produced the feed, and the nutritionist who formulated it. Which brings us to the corn and soymeal and micronutrients and all the people responsible for those. There are a lot of people, animals, and processes to thank for that yummy cheese.

Then I looked at the cracker box …

There are so many reasons to be grateful. We just need to start looking.

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