Are you reaching young farmers?
Last week, I heard the words that every supplier wants to hear:
“You put money in my pocket!”
I was at the National Agri-Marketing Association annual conference, talking with several clients. They told me that my research had made a difference in their business. Specifically, it made them more money.
Ever the researcher, I wanted to probe as to how, and how much; but it was a convention, so I left that for another day.
Better Research Makes You – and Your Customers – More Money
That, of course, is the goal of most of our research: To help you better understand your customer so that at the end of the day, you make more money. We also want to help you help your customers make more money – one big circle of providing value.
There was a lot of talk about content at the convention, how content that hits the personal interest of your ideal target customer will be noticed, appreciated, and acted upon. Kindness also makes your content more successful. I happened to notice an old newsletter of mine from 2013 that talked about agri-marketer content challenges, how the next wave of communications is providing non-sales information of value. Knowing what’s going to happen before it does is a nice thing about working with an astute market research company. Another speaker talked a lot about influence, and how to change behavior. Funny, I thought, that’s what we try to do, too – find the leverage points where small changes can make a big difference in results for our clients. Anyway, it was a great convention. The speakers were informative and interesting, the students abuzz with their contest.
Young Farmer Study
I’ve been sharing a bit of knowledge lately from our young farmer study conducted in partnership with LessingFlynn.
The number-one site for young farmers on the web is Agricultural forums, like Ag Chat or Agweb. 88% use these sites for farm use. Someone I know referred to AgChat as archaic. I tend to agree with him that it looks old fashioned and features the colors of black and white, but I also know that farmers often don’t have the best cell service or the fastest internet and that speed is the number-one quality they seek in almost everything, so a website that serves farmers best is one that serves them fast, in less than ideal conditions.
For a complete copy of the Young Farmer’s Study, please give me a call or send an e-mail.